Other issues in media and society

Hello readers! 

As there are many issues in the world of media in today's society, I decided to share some blogs with the topics I think need to be talked about more and we, as individuals still can do something about it. These have definitely caught my interest and are relevant to the topic that I'm trying to pursue on my blog, therefore since you've read my posts, I think that you would enjoy these as well!

"Fashion in the media" by Anastazija (https://fashionnthemedia.blogspot.com/?m=1) is one of my favourite blogs to read through. I think she mentions valid problems with how the society nowadays treats today's trends not only in fashion, but also other backgrounds. The article I loved best was the one mentioning fast fashion and how we should avoid supporting it. Instead, support our local artists, that are sustainable, and nature-friendly!

If the idea of Body Image wasn't enough for you in my blog, there is one that I enjoyed with the same name, written by Lia (https://effectsofmediaonbodyimage.blogspot.com/). Even though our blogs have the same name, it doesn't mean we talk about the same things. In one of the articles, Current Events I, she talks about how body image affects men and boys and the possible outcomes of it. This topic needs to be heard of more and I loved that she talked about it openly, since I have not mentioned anything like that on my blog.

I would love to recommend a blog that relates to mine a little bit - Zoe's "How women are portrayed in the media" (https://womenportrayedinmedia.blogspot.com/). It concerns how girls and women are portrayed, how it affects them, and what are the causes. I enjoyed reading her "My view" article, because she mentioned a test conducted by Forbes, which is about this topic and about how concerning it is. If you want to learn more, definitely visit her blog! It is definitely worth it!

Children are a big part of today's mediated world, so that is why I wanted to recommend Daniela's blog about Children and the effects of media and society on them (https://childrenandmedia2022.blogspot.com/). It is important to realise that children do not need to be taken away by their phones and electronics in general, and I think that Daniela covers that issue perfectly. The statistics were horrifying, as I was reading through them!

The last blog I would like to mention and lead you to it is Veronika's "Social media and self perception" (https://socialmediaandselfperception.blogspot.com/) blog, which I found so interesting because it relates to today's mediated society so much. It covers platforms like Instagram, Tiktok, or Twitter, and it shows that not everything seen on the internet can be beneficial. I liked the "That girl" trend posting as Veronika slowly unraveled the secrets of being the "it girl" of today's mediated world. Love / hate relationship. 10/10 recommend! 

Thank you, let me know if you like these! 🖤
