Body image

  • Hello readers!

    My name is Dana and this blog will be concerning a very disturbing topic which is very much talked about in the media nowadays. I would like to talk about body image and how the media negatively affects it. I think that we can all agree that with social media, the beauty standards have been set way too high; not just for girls, and how we should look in terms of our looks and beauty, but also for men and their masculinity. 

    I have met lots of people who told me that they have tried to change how their body looked by, for example, not eating enough or by exercising too much, just for the sake of trying to even themselves out to the standards they have seen online. With this issue arrive other issues. Some people might develop eating disorders due to the fact that they want to be like someone else, or they may just want to be loved. Because on social media, everyone who is 'perfect', is loved. Since I have too, in the past, struggled with body image issues and never feeling good enough about myself, I want my readers, especially those who might have unfortunately experienced this, to feel safe and not alone!

    girls about body image

    This youtube video I think perfectly descrbibes what I'm trying to say on this blog. Girls are explaining and describing their stories about negative body image and how it affected them and their close friends and people around them, and it sends (at least to me) a strong message that we are not alone and sometimes we all feel unappreciated. But we shouldn't!!!


Veronika said…
Hi! Great topic. It is very controversial for young people and spending time on social networks. Only now can I see in retrospect how I used to feel because of the perfect pictures on Instagram and Facebook. Because of social networks, I don't feel like I'm in my skin, and I'm working to make sure that doesn't happen. At the same time, however, if my parents had previously restricted my access to the Internet, I would have rebelled. As for the algorithm that supports and offers only the most watched and liked posts, it's simply and unfortunately all about the earnings of companies that promote something on social networks so that users stay on the network longer. Instead of some reform and gradual awareness of the problem, social networks are going in the opposite and wrong direction.